A Reminder To All Parents: You Don’t Have To Get It ‘Right’ All The Time.

I sometimes get stuck on thinking whether I’m raising my child ‘right’. I also often think about how many chances we really get to raise our children. Has this ever crossed your mind?

When I think a bit more deeply about it, I realise that the answer is quite simple: we don’t have to get parenting right all the time, BUT we do get only one go at it. 

What does that mean? 

It means that although we don’t need to be perfect, we can’t do a do-over and start back at the beginning again.

Is that scary? Absolutely! But this isn’t meant to be a doom and gloom message. Quite the reverse, in fact.

The ups and downs in your parenting journey are a reminder of the incredible opportunity that is before you. 

It might feel like the days go on forever but I promise you, the years of parenting are fleeting. You can make the little moments count.

I remember when my first child was born. I was so excited to be a parent. I had all these dreams and plans for what kind of parent I wanted to be. I wanted to be patient, understanding, and loving. 

But then reality hit. Parenting was hard. There were so many challenges. There were sleepless nights, tantrums, and messes. I felt like I was constantly making mistakes. 

One day, I was feeling particularly overwhelmed. I was trying to get my son to eat his dinner, but he was refusing. I was getting frustrated. And I even questioned myself. It was the simplest thing to do to try to get my son to eat; why did I feel like I was failing?

He didn’t want to eat, no matter what I did. I could feel frustration boiling up inside me as the carrots and broccoli went untouched. I almost exploded!

In that stressful moment, I really started to question myself as a parent. It’s not just dinner. It’s homework. Getting to preschool. Bath time…

And that's when I decided to make a change. I started learning more about emotional intelligence. I saw how my own emotional responses affected my child's reactions and behaviours. When I lost my cool, he would act out more. But when I stayed calm, he was better able to calm down too.

It hit me hard - I'm the one who sets the tone at home. 

“To raise an emotionally intelligent kid, we must first become emotionally intelligent parents.”

- Stephanie Pinto.

It has to start with you.

I remember what one father shared during one of my Chaos to Connection sessions. He said that as a first-time parent, he was paralysed by fear and self-doubt. All the "what-ifs" running through his mind kept him from feeling confident in his parenting abilities.

I told him, "It's normal to feel that way as a new parent! But we can't let the fear stop us from taking small steps each day to become the parent our child needs."

Perfection is an impossible goal. None of us are perfect, and our kids don't expect us to be. What matters most is what we decide to do starting today. The effort we put in, the love we show up with, and the way we respond when we miss the mark.

So let's put aside the unrealistic expectation of perfection. Let's focus instead on progress.

What can you do differently, or better, tomorrow?

Make small, consistent changes - that’s where transformation happens. Your kids will benefit immensely from your commitment to grow. The way you interact with your children today sends ripples down to future generations.

YOU have the power to transform your family's dynamic for the better. But it’s too hard to do it alone. 

Having a coach guide you, share tried-and-true techniques and tailor a plan specifically for your kids provides the structure and support you need.

My signature parenting program, Chaos to Connection, has helped so many parents just like you go from clashes and chaos to family connection. They've seen dramatic improvements in their relationships with their children and in their children's behaviour and emotional regulation skills.

If you feel a nudge in your heart telling you it's time to invest in your growth as a parent, listen to that intuition. I'm here for parents who are ready to do the inner work and transform not just their own lives, but their children's futures.

This is our one chance. You can't hit replay on raising your kids. Let’s make our time count.

Reach out today and let's talk about how I can support you on this journey.

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